In January 2021 COERR Mae Sot organized two training sessions for camp-based refugee staff to refresh their knowledge and skills in social work and child protection.
On January 14th, there were 7 CBRS attending the coaching on basic principles of COERR components: EVI support and empowerment, self-reliance skill and promotion in both farming and non-farming sectors.
Focus was made on the principles of social work, i.e. Principles of Acceptance, Individualization, Observation and Confidentiality.
Intervention to help the vulnerables, especially children, require skills in home visit, interviewing technique, communication, observation, note taking, family tree, individual case management starting from intake, service till case closure.
Later, on January 18-19, a comprehensive Para-Social Worker Training was organized for 17 staff of 14 female and 3 male, focusing on understanding on child protection and guidance for children and youth to have access to concerned government and private organizations in charge of child protection issues.
Most of all, in any intervention activities, the camp-based refugee staff need to be aware of the following principles: the best interests of the child, security and child development.
